
May’s Birthstone


June’s Birthstone


July’s Birthstone


August’s Birthstone

  • Love and strength

  • Known as the 'King of Gems' as it was the gemstone of choice for kings and warriors because it symbolised strength and nobility and offered protection and good luck.

  • Success and good luck

  • Peridot is formed deep within the earth and is brought to the surface by volcanic eruption. According to ancient legend, the green peridot crystals found in volcanic ashes represented the tears of Pele, the Hawaiian Goddess of Volcanoes.

Sapphire, September's Birthstone
Pink Tourmaline, Octobers Birthstone
Amethyst, February's Birthstone
Garnet, January's Birthstone


February’s Birthstone


January’s Birthstone

  • Calm and serenity

  • It's often referred to as the 'Royal Jewel' as amethysts were used in royal collections all over the world, they were once believed to be more valuable than rubies and emeralds.

  • Loyalty, honesty and passion

  • The garnet takes its name from the Latin word for pomegranate 'malum granatum', as the fruits rich red jewel like seeds bear a striking resemblance to the gemstone.

Diamond, April's Birthstone


April’s Birthstone


March’s Birthstone

  • Strength and radiance

  • Diamonds are believed to bring a sense of radiance, energy and light to the soul.

  • Crystal Quartz

  • Happiness and courage

  • The name aquamarine originates from the Latin for water and sea 'aqua marina' and it was once believed to offer protection to sailors.

Pearl, June's Birthstone
Emerald, May's Birthstone
  • Faithfulness and friendship

  • Known as the 'Queen of Gems' as it was a symbol of wealth and power. In Greek mythology it was believed that pearls were the tears of gods, while an ancient Arab legend says pearls were created when dew drops filled with moonlight fell into the ocean.

  • Moonstone, Alexandrite

  • Serenity and peace of mind

  • The name emerald is derived from the Greek word 'smaragdos' meaning green. To the ancient Egyptians the emerald was known as the 'lovers' stone and is believed to be Cleopatra's favourite gemstone.

Peridot, August's Birthstone
Ruby, July's Birthstone

Pink Tourmaline

October’s Birthstone


September’s Birthstone

  • Healing and kindness

  • Known as the 'Rainbow Gemstone' due to the range of colours it comes in. In fact the word tourmaline is believed to have been derived from the Sinhalese word 'turmali' which literally means stone with various colours.

  • Opal

  • Loyalty and trust

  • Sapphire's have always been considered sacred stones believed to bring peace to the soul.

Tanzanite, December's Birthstone
Citrine, November's Birthstone


December’s Birthstone


November’s Birthstone

  • Creativity and protection

  • Tanzanite takes its name from Tanzania, the only place it has ever been found.

  • Turquoise

  • Success and happiness

  • Ancient cultures believed the warm colour of citrine was a gift from the sun.


Birthstones are steeped in history and full of meaning, wearing the birthstone associated with the month of your birth is thought to bring you luck and protection. As well as wearing your own birthstone, why not add the birthstone of family members and loved ones to make your jewellery personal to you.